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Vietnam Black 164 x A5 Haze/Thai x Narrow Leaf Afghani x Uzbekistani x Black Congolese


17 Regular Seeds


Large Spear Flower Clusters

Exceptional Resin Production

Fragrant Citrus and Old World Spice


Original Seeds from Doc D


Heart of Darkness Male:


Back in 2018, I did a F2 IBL line with the original Heart of Darkness seeds. My favorite female of the IBL, the #5, had a faster finishing time and had more expressions of the Narrow Leaf Afghani then all the others. From these F2, I did an open pollination with two males and 4 females - 2/4 females expressed the true Narrow Leaf Afghani Trait which is what I was most interested. From germination to harvest, this project took 180+ Days to complete and though it is full on highly experimental, I believe there is some excellent specimens to be found - both for flowering and breeding purposes. ENJOY!!!


Legendary Genetix Description of Heart of Darkness:


What most people think of strains from 40 degrees latitude from the steppes of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistani, Afghanistan. Before the wars of the last century the countries divided by the Khyber Pass, many tribal families grew and were renowned for their garda, hashish. The best hash came from the narrow leaf strains held by proud families for centuries. Sometimes the hash was stored for many years before it was sold. Keeping it pressed preserved the quality, it wasn't until the 1920's that hash started leaving these areas in quantity. More so in the 1950's with the Beat movement, the Hippie Trail in the 60-70's wiped out most of the old stores and to keep up with world demand. Like in the country of Afghanistan which enjoyed many years of peace with King Zahir Shah. The King of Afghanistan, wanted to increase output and encouraged the hashish making families to incorporate the broad lead varieties because they finished faster and produced more resin then the high quality narrow leaf varieties. So in favor of yields over quality, much of the hashish that left post 70 was still great but lost quality it once had. Many of the plants which were highly prized have been lost and only a small amount of quality strains remain and with families that have been growing these plants for many generations. This is a long flowering strain of very rare and unique genetics, very narrow leafs from the Afghani side and the plants turn all kinds of autumn colors when maturing. The colas can get very long and large with the plants looking like huge sativas if grown outdoors which is the preferable method. You can grow the Heart of Darkness indoors but it will really shine outdoors unhinged.

Vietnam Black 164 x A5 Haze/Thai x H.O.D.

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